Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Loving the Job, hating the work

I took a new job in October, being the head of medicine for a new Independant Living facility, right down the street from us. I love my job, no really I do. They two young men I work for are great. Residents are residents. But it's a lot easier physically than any job that I have ever had.
But there are some draw backs.
I have been in charge before. However, I had a supervisor or director of nursing to help with things like policy, procedures and repermandation.
That's all different now.
I'm the one making policies, procedures and telling my staff when they have done something worng and that they could loose their job over it.
Today was one of those days. I already had a full plate and when I got to work, I discovered that someone didn't follow the correct procedure. I hated having to tell the owners that something was wrong... again. It's been a problem. So...... I had to use a write up and enforce the policy.
I have this thing in my head where I need people I work with to like me. And now... well, the person who messed up doesn't like me too much.
It's been hard to deal with.
But maybe a glass of wine will help.
Or the bottle.

1 comment:

hangel said...

Drink the bottle. Wish I could share it with you! :-)

You are doing a great job I am sure--and the person who doesn't like you right now will get over it. As a boss, you don't have a lot of choices when it comes down to right or wrong. Hang in there!