Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have been working with the oncologist's office to try and get Brian's appointment with Sloan Kettering. I called them on Thursday to find out that they had gotten a phone call from our insurance company that denied the consults to NYC. I was livid. The insurance company is based out of Albany and said Albany or nothing. But we have had such bad times at Albany, they messed up bad with both Bri's father and Em that I don't want to go there again.
So, I called the insurance company, knowing that they had an appeal process and that I needed to get it started. In the mean time, we contacted our local state based medical coverage and got Brian placed on that. So, after talking to the insurance company, I came home and was hanging out with Em. The doctor's office called and suddenly they approved a consult with the surgeon and the pathologist in NYC! It pays to complain.
So, I called the doctor's office here and told them that I really wanted to have an appointment on my calander before the holiday weekend. They told me that it may not be scheduled until Tuesday, but they'd try. A little later I got a call back that we had to be at the Rockefeller Plaza center at 8:30 Tuesday morning!
I scrambled to get all the papers we need, the scans and everything else as every one is closed on Monday for the holiday. I have to work Monday and Mom and Dad are away until Tuesday. Brian's mother is going to take Em over night on Monday and all day Tuesday. Brian and I found a cheap hotel 3 blocks from where we need to be. We are leaving as soon as I get home from work and get packed.
I'll let everyone know what happened Tuesday night or Wednesday night.

1 comment:

hangel said...

Way to speak up! That is great. So glad you got in so quickly. Let us know!