Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nothing really to say

I'm in this odd space in my head right now. I told you I read... alot. I got this new book yesterday morning and I read it. Cover to cover. About 10 hours total. 760 pages. It was the last in a series of four that I really really love. It's just this story that sucks me in and I feel like I'm really living it. That's hard for me. Because now that it's done, not just the book but the series, I feel really odd. I keep replaying different sections of the series over and over again in my head. It's really killing me. I want to almost crawl inside the book and be part of it.
But when I get like this and trust me it has happened before, I crawl inside my own writing. It's just hard to really paint what I see in my head on the paper, well really the monitor. All I want to do is pour out what I see in my head. Nothing else. No food, no work, no sleep. Just type until I can't rub out the hand cramps and my fingers ache. But then I still don't feel sated. Just empty.
Right now, I have been working on my white whale. That story that I have been mulling around for the last twenty years. But, when I read it back over, I feel that I haven't gotten it quite right. That it's really stupid.
My sister in law has read a few of my novellas. One of them made her cry and she always tells me she likes them. But I can't tell if she's just saying that because she's my sister in law or if it's true. Then I re read them and I think that it's all trash. Not good fiction. Just fiction. Like a kid writing.
Even a monkey could get lucky and type Shakespeer. But I don't know. I'm feeling a little off. Empty. I hate getting sucked into a good book afterwards. I feel like the world I became so engrossed in has left me.
It sucks.
So, in a few days, it'll lessen and I'll be better. Until I pick the series for the seventh or so time. I'm serious. I've read them each that many times, except the one I got yesterday.
If you can put aside your thoughts on Vampires, werewolves and the supernatural and you want a good love story, check out the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer.
If you like good music, go into the twilight section, pick either Twilight, New Moon or Eclipse and click on the play lists. You can listen to the sound tracks for the books. It's awesome.
One last thing... for that love song that you just want to cry over....
you tube... type in blue october my never. Listen to the words. It's soooooooo good.
Hey Josh, how do I put up a you tube in my blog?


hangel said...

Jenn, I know EXACTLY the feeling you are talking about. How you get sucked into a book...becomes your life...and then when it is over, you feel like a part of your life is over. Like your best friends have abandoned you. Empty. I know what you mean.

To get a video in your blog, when you are posting, hit the add video button on the top. You should be able to past the You Tube link in there. Good luck!

K said...

Another option to get the video in your blog is to go to the box on the right of the video. It says "embed." It will be a long code. Click on it and it will auto highlight. Right click and then hit copy. You should be able to paste that anywhere in your blog composing window and that is exactly where the video will appear.

fyi: I've had some problems copying directly from YouTube. If you paste it and the code doesn't come out as a couple lines long, paste it into Word first. Then highlight, copy and paste into your blog. This fixes my problem every time.

I'm with you about getting sucked into books that way. You become a part of their world. I'm always sad that I have to leave them.

Jenae C. said...

I was like that with Harry Potter! When each book was over I couldn't wait for the next one to come out, then the last one came out, and I finished it maybe 2 days after it came out and I had that lonely feeling too! I get like that with series more than anything, its like you just want to be a part of the book so bad!!!

Blade said...

What they said is essentially what you want to do. The easiest way is to find your video on youtube and then highlight the text K was talking about where it says "Embed"

You need every piece of it. If you miss even one opening or closing < >, it will not work.

When you are editing your blog, you probably use the compose part. Switch into HTML mode when you want to add in your video.. find where you want it in your blog and then paste it there.

Preview your blog to make sure the video box comes up.

If you have any more questions hit me up on IM's.