Sunday, August 12, 2012

I saw this thing on pintrest.....

So, firstly to Kim and Jeane, thank you for getting me hooked on Pintrest. And to the rest of the family, I'm sorry about the addiction.
My aunt mentioned the other day in a conversation that there should be some way to mark off what you followed through in creating with instructions on Pintrest.
Well, I thought that my blog would be a great place for me to do this.
So, we'll start with the first item.

road trip with smart!  Lots of good ideas with this link.  This is good for anyone! I will remember this one day!

This was a link to a blog with ideas for traveling with kids. Most of them were a little outdated for the monkeybutt. But this cover image was great. I just so happened to have a basket like this in the attic. I dug it out when we were going on a road trip. It was perfect for her. Kept it all neat and contained.
Freeze "water" (ice!) balloons for to keep your beverages cool - very festive and less messy than melting ice!
I used this idea for a party we had. Word of advice..... don't used water balloons. They popped too easily. Also, you may want to do this a week ahead as they didn't freeze real well.
Use muffin tins for condiments during a barbeque..... less clean up time and easier to carry in one hand!
This was also from the party. Mom took it a step further and put papercup liners in each spot. It made for really easy clean up.
Learn this chip bag fold and you will never need a clamp ever again! You learn something new every day on Pinterest!
I've tried this chip fold over and over. But I have not gotten it to work. Oh, well.
No scrub way to clean stove burners!
This one did work like a charm. I will admit that my burners were too big for the bags. So, next time I'm thinking I'll grab a few extra produce bags from the grocery store and voila!
yes, brilliant! DIY project for this weekend. also love the colors
This one was perfect. It worked like a charm and my headphones do not tangle as often in my purse. Plus I know which ones are mine.

I think that's enough to start with.
Let me know what you have done and what you want to try.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Money Pit

I've heard a million times over that no matter how you bought your house it's never done. Well, isn't that the truth. After about a year, we are most of the way done with the front porch. I have about 3 hours worth of painting to do on the outside of the house and that is done.
But.... the next project was going to be either the living room or dining room. The only two rooms we really haven't done much to other than throw up some paint.
But wait.... you didn't think it was going to be that easy now did you? Of course not. We had the parents and the in laws over this weekend for just a get together. As I am washing dishes that won't fit in my dishwasher, the part of the sink that goes from the drain to the bottom of the sink let's go.... flooding the kitchen. AS I am taking out the things under the sink to soak up the water I realize the cabinet is not just wet, but done. Can't hold up a box of pasta done. I have another one that has gotten wet from leaking plumbing that is on it's last legs too.
So...... we have to work on the kitchen.
Brian can't handle this. He grew up in a tract house that was brand new and there was never more work than a repair to a hole in the wall or a paint job. Not the way I grew up. With sawdust in my hair and sheet rock dust in my nose..... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
So, who is coming to help us? Donations from the money tree are always nice.

By the way.... my baby? You know the little peanut I gave birth too? She went to the doctor today for her annual physical. She's 5'1'', 118lbs at 11 years old. Where did my baby go?