Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's too quiet... What are you doing?!

Emily got up and crawled into bed with me at some point after Brian left for work this morning. It's not that uncommon on a Saturday morning. She woke me up to change the television channel for her. I got her something to eat and laid back down. I must have dozed off. I woke up and it was quiet. Too quiet. You know that quiet. I called for her and she told me that she was in the bathroom. I got up and found her in the bathroom, standing by the sink with a pair of scissors in her hand. Okay. I left the scissors on the counter. That was my bad. But her hair was neatly piled in the garbage can. There was basically nothing left on her head. She cut her hair off.
The conversation goes like this.
Me (calmly) What are you doing?
Em (pause) I cut my hair.
Me (Still Calmly) Why?
Em I wanted to look like you.
I stopped here and looked at her. I had her turn around. It was short. It was really short in the bad. (How in the hell did she do such a good job in the back?)
Me Emily, you know that you shouldn't have cut your own hair.
Em. I know. It was bad of me. Don't be angry Mommy.
Me If you wanted short hair all you had to do was ask. You have an appointment to get your hair cut this afternoon.
Em Why can't I cut my hair? Why can't you cut it?

This then leads into the conversation about needing to go to school to learn to cut hair. I cut a few really odd long pieces, got her in the shower and called Daddy.
The hairdresser was able to fix it, do the degree that she could. There is one spot just above her bangs that is spikey. It's longer on one side than the other.
She's not going to be able to see a movie for at least 4 days. Plus... I had to tell her that she wouldn't have long hair again until she was at least 10. That put it in perspective for her.
Up side... Daddy has a much easier morning routine now!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tugging on the insides

First I would like to congratulate my cousin and her family on the birth of their new baby! I'm thrilled for them.
But, my mother called tonight to tell me that the baby was here and I was thrilled. Em got on the phone so that my mother could tell her about the new baby. That of course brings up the same conversation over and over again.
About 6 years ago, while in nursing school, I got sick. I had a choice after 9 months of treatment that really wasn't a choice. Surgery or surgery. They were able to fix my problem. But the problem was that we would never be able to have any more children.
Emily doesn't understand why she is an only child. She wants to have brothers or sisters. We have talked about the fact that God said that all we needed in our family is one little girl. But listening to two of cousins being pregnant right now... well one now... is kinda hard.
I love babies. I would love to have another one. But the factory is closed. No more children.
Sure, we could adopt. We could, but it's so hard and there is something about it that I'm not that interested in. I like the idea of a simple natural act, bringing out a natural child. Plus, I have enough issues with Em and I know where she came from. Plus, we really can't afford it. So, Em will remain an only child.
Then again, I'm not really that interested in the late nights, early mornings or diapers again. So... I guess I'll just have to wait for grandchildren!