Friday, June 12, 2009


IEP.... the three most horrible letters and at the same time the three best letters in my world. For those of you who don't know, the IEP stands for Individual Education Plan. This is Emily's plan of action for the next school year. It's all the things that will tell us what's going to happen next. It's the set up for her PT, OT, Speech and other therapies.
Well, this year I hired someone to help review the information and help advocate for me to get Em the best possible services. It was worth every penny. This past Wednesday was IEP day.
Pat, the advocate and I show up at the school about 10 minutes early. We get down to the room on time and find out that the 9:00 meeting has just gone through the door and we are the 10:00 meeting. Okay. So, we are waiting a bit. We finally get to go in around 11:15.
Sit in the room with the meeting for almost 2 hours. The half an hour that they scheduled for Em was not enough. And the only thing we resolved was that we need more meetings to set up for September and that summer school is in place for now. It was exhausting.
I'm glad that it was so intensive though. At least I think that I was finally heard. That my daughter at 8 can't even read the word Pizza or Mommy. That kills me. Oh! We also decided and I put my foot down so hard that I thought I would break the floor, Emily will not be going on to 3rd grade. At this time she's functioning at a high kindergarten level. Wow, right?!
I hope and I pray that all the wonderful readers of this blog never have to go through this. Remember that when your child asks you, yet again what the letters for Mommy are... you could have a child like mine. She can't spell Mommy.

1 comment:

flyingace said...

She'll get there. Hope you all have a wonderful summer though!