Friday, April 10, 2009


Okay. I admit it. I've been slacking off. By the time I get home, get through the normal routine of everything, the last thing I want to do is sign on and blog. Besides, there really hasn't been much to talk about.

Emily has been off of school this week and has been going to work with Dad and E-pa. Plus, we have all been sick.

BUT... Brian. That's another story. His incision from his surgery runs from the bottom of his breast bone to the top of his pelvis. I don't know what he did, but at some point this winter, he herniated the incision. It was small to begin with. But, while he was sick this week, he coughed and it' worse. We are going to see the surgeon on Tuesday to see if this is something that needs to be repaired or not.

Other than that, nothing new is going on here. I've embedded a picture of Emily with her new cousin Jameson.

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