Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kids say the damnst things

This past weekend we were away camping with some really good friends. We went up to Cantine Field for the fireworks and the carnival. Our friends have a four year old little boy and Em loves him.
Now, neither Brian nor I have ever really censored our mouths around Emily. We would rather that she know when saying bad words are appropriate and when they are not. She for the most part understands that they are grown up words and that she shouldn't use them.
Well, Em was anxious to get to the rides and she had no desire to stop and look at all the junk booths full of over priced glow sticks and other crap. But our little friend thought it was all soooo cool he wanted to see it all.
At one point we were well in front of our party and we stopped. Em turned to me and said "They are being a pain in the ass. What the hell is taking them so long?"
Okay. I needed to remind her that she was using grown up words, and that it wasn't okay. But it was all I could do not to laugh. I scolded her, agreed that they were being a pain in the ass and taking too long for her. Then I sent her to hold Daddy's hand so that I could turn around and release the laugh that I was holding in, well bearly.
Em's speech therapist wrote a note on her report card that Em's vocabulary was well above her peers, even though she still has issues with tense and grammar. She says things like I sleep good last night. But the best part is that she understands what a lot of words mean and uses them correctly.
It's really funny to listen to her say things like she was jelious or that something was rediculous. She's right. She knows what it means.
Em started with her new sitter this week, a lovely woman named Jenae. Emily is not a few hundred feet from my office and I have been picking her up. I get there and she doesn't say Hi Mom! or Let's go home. It's why are you here so quick? That's a great sign!!!

1 comment:

hangel said...

I love it. Kids say the most HONEST things, usually. I am glad that Emily seems to be enjoying her new sitter and that it is working out well!