Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Okay, so writing this title gave me the song in my head. Emily started to see a new neurologist last summer. He wanted us then to go for a video EEG in his hospital. We were getting it all set when my loving husband decided that I wasn't paying enough attention to him and he grew a tumor.
So, now, we are scheduled to go into the hospital on Monday. She's all wound up about it. We have to be there a minimum of three days and as many as five. We won't know until we get there.
Em has done this before and she's not too thrilled about it. Neither, am I to tell you the truth. But, at least this time we will be closer to home and I can let my mother or husband stay with her for a while and go home each night for a while. At least to get a hot shower and check the mail and so on. I will be bringing my computer and I am thinking about my scanner too so that I can work on some history things. I guess I need to call and find out if I can do that. Plus, it's so much to carry. At least the scanner is light!
I'm hoping this will be a better experience than the last one. We were in Albany and even though my mother and husband took turns staying, it was rough on all of us. And we were there a week. I hope we won't be this time.
I'm thinking that I'm going to buy her the Hannah Montana movie to watch.... over and over again while we are there.
Boom boom clap. boom de clap de clap.


hangel said...

Well, the Hannah Montana movie sounds like a good plan...especially if you bring headphones! For you or Emily. Either way...

Good luck and hope it is a short stay!

flyingace said...

Thinking of you guys. Try not to let Hannah Montana drive you crazy. I am sure Jenae will come and watch it a few dozen times :-)