Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Internet will let you find anything, my foot!

Since Grandfather passed away, my mother has been going through paper after paper in trying to sort it all out. We came across some cool things. One of which was my grandmother's original birth certificate and adoption papers.
I have known most of my life that she was adopted. I think it's kinda cool. But this paper work has the names of her birth parents. As I was told, her mother either died at or right after child birth. But we are still trying to find out information about her father. We would love to know if there is more family out there. So, off to Google I go. I have very limited information to go with. But I have something.
I've been working with Ancestory.com and not finding too much. It's becoming very frustrating. I want the answers but unless I take a crash course in Danish and learn where the family was living prior to coming to the US......
Anyone who has time to kill on the computer and wants to help should email me and I will share the information.

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