Monday, May 19, 2008

It's been a long week.

Any one who has children can understand when your child is feeling badly and you need to keep them at home and in bed, that it's the worst trial in the world. But you should be stuck in the hospital is so much worse. Emily spent from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday morning in the hospital on the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU). They hook you up to an EEg and give you a cord that monitor's your EEg for days at a time. The furtherest she could go was twenty feet to the bathroom. Albany Medical Center has a great children's hospital with lots of things to do and a huge atrium from Ronald McDonald House to visit. But Em was attached to the wall for five days. We had to entertain her for hours on end. Plus NO medications. It was not easy. When your child is sick at home, they are home. Even on bed rest, they are home. I had grabbed movies, her DVD player, her favorite animals and some other things to try and keep her occupied. My mother and husband went home a few times and came back with more things to keep her busy.
Long story short, I'm still not sure what was going on in her head. It's still so complicated.
But the best part is on Thursday night she kept putting her fingers in her mouth. I couldn't figure out why. She was drinking some pink milk earlier in the day and there was blood on her straw. She has had a couple of loose teeth. She lost her first molar. The tooth fairy came to the hospital. She left her a lot of money... $10! (it was all she could find in her purse in the dark at night).
So, toothless came home on Sunday. No meds. She came down with a fever and a cold in the hospital. She's miserable. I'm tired. I'm miserable. Daddy's... well... daddy.
Then there is work. You would think that the place couldn't work with out me. God forbid I ever go on vacation for more than a couple of days.
So, now it's time to get into the bath and try to wash out more of the crap that is left over in her hair from the EEg probes. Yeah!!!!


hangel said...

Wow! That is a long week. Email me...what is going on with her? Keep me posted. I am always thinking of you!

K said...

I'm so sorry to hear you had such a rough week. Even more sorry for her. I'm keeping you all in my prayers. OH, and tell Emily that that the boys said HI.

Jenae C. said...

I'm so sorry that Emily has gone through all of this, give her a big hug from me! Please keep us posted, love you!

Blade said...

That does sound like a crazy week. I feel for you and hope things ease up and give you a break sometime soon.

Was nice to see you when we were there. :)

<3 to you all back east.