Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I hate my cell phone

I really do. It's a pain in the ass. I do like to be able to multi task, talk on it while in the car, find Brian in Walmart... you know, but I hate hearing it ring sometimes. It means that something needs my attention at work or home. No one ever calls me on it just to chat. So, when it rings or vibrates, I know that it's a call I would rather not answer, like when I'm in bed.
Do you remember the days when we didn't have them and we had to wait until after a period of time for someone to call us back? When we could walk around the mall and not have to hear the five calls about when are you coming home or where the hell is the damn remote? (okay, I haven't gotten that call... more like where are Emily's glasses or something else that she needs).
So, tonight, it's ringning. It's some one from work. But I'm on the other line talking to some one else from work. It's really a big pain in my neck! Let's not even begin to talk about the cell phones in public places!!!! Or the blue tooths hidden under hair and people talking to the air!


hangel said...

I love the people who walk around the grocery store, etc. talking really loudly on their cell phone. And it always seems to me that the conversations are ones that should be held in private--not yelled across a store!

Jenae C. said...

My favorite are the ones that walk into the pharmacy when I am trying to help them, and they are on their cell phones, but that is not annoying enough, no....they have them on speaker phone because apparently their conversation is that important that the whole store needs to hear it also!!!! (rolling eyes)!