Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Turn

Yesterday, Tuesday, I woke up with a ache in my belly. Nothing really wrong. Just this generalized ache. I thought that I might need to use the toilet or have some gas or something. I took a few advil and the discomfort went away.
Last night, I had fallen alseep early. I was just tired. I woke up around 10 or 11, needing to pee. But my belly ache had gotten worse. There was this stabbing pain in the lower right section of my belly. I was doubled over in pain for several hours until I finally got up and went to take one of Brian's Percocets. I finally fell asleep.
When my alarm went off this morning the pain was worse. I did something I have only done once before on the job. I called in sick for myself. After waiting a while, drifiting in and out of sleep, I called our regular doctor.
There is an advantage being a nurse and having a great relationship with you doctor. You can save yourself office visits.
So, I described my symptoms and asked when I could have an appointment in the office. The receoptionist put me on hold, talked to the doctor, who then got on the phone with me. We talked for a few minutes and she told me to go to the ER.
We arrived at the ER around 945. Let's just say the following things about me being here.
1) Since my pain is pretty bad, as I have a high tolerance for pain, I'm pretty stoned.
2) Scans, ultrasounds and labs have not given a conclusive picture of what is happening to me. However all the signs and symptoms point to my appendeix.
3) The doctor wants to keep me over night to see what happens. That means it maybe nothing or it could be something. I'll know more tomorrow. I'll be meeting the surgeon then.

Okay, time to go. The letters are danicing to the music. Yeah Dilauded!

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