Sunday, January 25, 2009


Brian and I woke up around 4 this morning and procedeed to have the following conversation (para phrased of course).
Me: Bri?
Brian: Yeah?
Me: Is it cold in here or is it me?
Brian: No, it's cold.
I reach over and place my hand on the radiator.
Me: There's no heat. Did you mess with the thermostat?
Brian: Nope. Did you?
Me: Nope. Can you go down and check the furnance?
Brian gets up and gets dressed, as it was really cold and he sleeps in his underwear.
He goes downstairs, spends a few minutes grumbling and cursing. I get up, cover up Em with a second blanket. I find a few more for our room and get back under the covers.
Brian: Do we have a long lighter in the house?
ME: Nope. How about a regular lighter and a wooden skwer?
Brian goes back down and after about a half an hour he comes back up.
Me: So?
Brian: It lights and goes right back out. I think the thermocoupple is bad.
Me: What time does Home Depot open?
Brian: Not 5. I turned the fireplace on. (We have an electric fireplace. More for looks than anything, but at this point anything is a help)
We go back to sleep under five or so blankets. After a while Emily comes into bed with us and snuggles between us.
Turns out Brian was right, buys the $10 part and is able to fix the furance. But there are two things that make this even funnier. Brian and I haven't slept under the same blanket in our bed in years. He's a big time blanket hog. He rolls and takes the blanket with him. He also tends to throw the covers off. So, we sleep with seperate blankets.
Now, Emily has half Clarke genes. Clarke's run hot. Very hot. Em and Bri are like mini heaters in their own right. So, having Em crawl into bed with me was wonderful. She cuddled up and kept me warm. But she sleeps like her father. It's quite hard to sleep when the other two people in the bed are flopping around like fish out of water.
But at least I can't see my breath in the house any more.

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