Friday, January 30, 2009

Spoiled Rotten

Emily and I got into a fight tonight. It's not important what we were fighting about but the majority of the fight came down to the issue that Emily is spoiled rotten. Okay, so part of that is my fault. But it's just as much everyone else's fault too.
Emily was on the phone with my father tonight, begging for something she wanted to do, after I had said no. My father gets on the phone with me and asks me how I can really deny her anything. I think what he really said was how could I say no to that little girl. Especially when she was asking.
She wasn't asking. She was begging and whining. I hate the fact that she has so many people wrapped around her fingers that when I have to be the mean mother and say no, she can just turn her head, bat her eyes and pout and poof! what ever she wants is hers. I hate that. Mommy's word should be finial. But my father taught her how to pout and now she uses it against him.
It's pissing me off. So much so that I nearly slapped her across the face tonight.
And she's almost eight. Can't wait until she's a teenager.

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