Monday, February 2, 2009

The coolest coffee maker.... EVER!!!

Mom and I were in Bed Bath and Way Beyond the other day. First my Beyond tangent. I understand the bed and bath part. Even the kitchen stuff makes some sense. But, exercise equipment? Candy? There are somethings in that store that just boggle my mind.
But, anyway, we were walking in the store and I saw this really cool coffee maker that I have seen several times before. I said to Mom, how cool it was and that I would love one.
Mom and Dad bought it for us as a belated anniversery present.
It's called a Keurig. Basically, it has this big tank of water that heats up fast. Then you place in this cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. It's shaped like a coffee creamer but five times the size. You shut the machine up and it pierces the cup. Then you push a button and it passes the heated water through the cup and out into your mug. One instant hot cup of coffee. Then, change the pod for the next person.
So, I like Hazelnut but Brian preffers French Vanilla. Great. No more compromise. Em can have hot chocolate and if we have my mother in law over, instant brewed tea. No pot to clean.
It even has an auto off. It's great. No fuss, no muss.
I was telling my coffee addicted boss about it and he was telling me that his father bought him one a few years back, but then the pods for the coffee where harder to find. His father found him an insert that allows you to use regular coffee. Still perfect.

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