Friday, February 8, 2008

She Fights Dirty

The problem with Emily growing older is that she is growing older. Tonight, on our way out to dinner, we stopped for gas at the Sunoco ( or as Emily calls it Sinoceoo's). Just about every time Brian and Emily go there, she gets a treat, more often than not, candy. So, she started to whine that she wanted a treat. I told her no, because we were on our way to dinner. This started the water works.
But I want a treat.
No. We are going to dinner.
You don't love me. You won't let me get anything.
I let you get things.
No you don't. The other day you wouldn't let me get the bear I wanted.
But Daddy got you the bear didn't he?
Yes, but you didn't. You never get me what I want. You're no fun anymore and I wish you would just go away. (sniffle sniffle, sob, sob)

This went on for twenty or so minutes. I couldn't help but laugh at her. Here is my little girl who starting to remember what happened weeks ago and use it against me!
I proceeded to tell her that she couldn't always get what she wanted because I wasn't going to spoil her. (Too late. She's already spoiled)
But then she tells me that she wants to be spoiled.
We tried to explain to her that getting spoiled was not good. That she would end up being a brat. But that didn't work either. Because, even though I hate them, she loves the Bratz. She thinks that it's a goos thing to be a Brat.
Can't win for trying with this one.

1 comment:

hangel said...

That is too funny. To be a Brat(z) is a good thing! Ha ha ha! Keep the stories! I enjoy reading them! Miss you!