Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Winter Wonderland

It's snowing outside. Again. if I look out the front door from my office, I can see the busy street with all the yucky dirty snow that the plows move off of the asphalt. Nothing exciting.
But, if I look out the back window, I can out at the forest that is behind us. It's not really that big, but big enough to make you forget that you are in the middle of the city. And the big fat white flakes that are falling are beautiful.
But, when I get home later, or really when I get out of the office to go home, and I have to clean off my car, I'll curse every single white flake. I'll bitch about my hands going red and then purple with the cold. I'll complain about sliding on the ice as I drive. I'll wonder to myself why I'm still in the Northeast.
But, once Emily goes out side, all bundled up, happy as a clam, making snow angels, I'll remember what that feeling was like.
I remember winters when the snow was so deep that my sister and I would get stuck in my father's foot prints. There were winters that we would build a large snow man. We would spend so many hours outside that we were blue with the cold. But I have no reason to be out there now.
I was listening to one of my resident's family members complain that she had to get going while the snow was light to make sure that she could get to the grocery store and get her items. Milk, bread, and eggs. Like with out those three things, she wasn't going to survive the two inches of snow we are supposed to get. We live in the Northeast for crying out loud. You must still like living here. So, deal with driving in the snow. I've been known to drive in the middle of a snow storm for dinner. Only to get somewhere and found out that the resturant was closed becasue it was snowing.
I can't call into my job because of snow. Not because I'm in charge, but because, weather isn't a good reason to call out as a nurse. People are still sick. People still need to be taken care of. So, really driving in the snow isn't that bad for me.
Other people..... well that's a different story.
I think that they stopped giving road tests in the State of New York. Now, you have to buy a box of cereal and get your license. Or at least it seems that way.


hangel said...

Snow? What is this snow you speak of??? I will send some sunshine your way! We seem to have plenty of it these days...

Blade said...

Normally I am the first one excited about winter .. and the snow. But honestly, this winter can DIAF. Our average snow for a winter here is about 35 inches. At last count we are closing in on 100 inches and the season is not quite over yet. I am quite tired of it now.