Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it... GD Snow plows!!!

Today is Sunday. It started snowing around noon on Friday and didn't stop until this afternoon. It slowed a few times, but it never really stopped. Friday we were forcast for 12-14 inches with the snow falling about 1 inch an hour. We've had snow this season, but not enough to make any difference or register. But we have had nearly 2 feet in three days.
We live on a main road and are plowed fairly often. It's been crazy. Just as we get dug out, we have to start again. So, we decided that it was time, after living on our own for about 13 years, to buy a snow blower. We went to Sears and it was a decent deal. And boy oh boy was it fun to play with this afternoon.
The drive way is only about as wide as a car and maybe two feet more on either side. Brian and I fight every year about the snow. He clears only enough to get the car in. That's it. I hate it. Trying to get Em out, groceries, etc without ending up in a snow drift is quite hard. Now, the sides are so clean you can see grass.
Saturday I had to work. Mom had Em. She had a hair appointment about six or seven miles from work. It was still snowing. So, I should have only taken me about fifteen minutes to drive across town to pick up Em from the salon. Yeah right. I get about half way there and I can see flasshing lights and traffic stopped. Quick around the back way. Ha, ha. The traffic on the back roads was terrible, because, of course the plow job was piss poor.
Then, I had to drive past the mall and other shopping areas. I might as well have been driving in rush hour LA traffic. 45 minutes after I left work, I pulled into the salon. Then I have to repeat the drive back home. Thirty minutes. Then into the shower quick, get dressed for a Christmas party, dinner and onto the party.
This morning, at a God awful 7:45am we get this phone call. Sunday school was cancelled as was the Christmas Pagent for this afternoon. Okay. Back to sleep then. Then my mother in law calls. Would Bri drive her an hour north, in the snow and pick up his father who was being released from the hospital. He hangs up with her and looks at me.
I called my father, who went to work. He tells me the highways aren't plowed. We call Kathleen back and tell her no. The hospital agreed that they would keep him one more night.
So, Brian and Em are going to get Pop Pops at the hospital tomorrow. While I go to work.
Yeah me!!!! (insert bad London Tipton impression)
I more than likely won't blog again until after Christmas.
Merry Christmas.

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