Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Next Step

We saw the surgeon in Sloan Kettering today. There is a lot to say, so I'll keep it as brief as I can.
1) It is cancer. A rare one at that.
2) It needs to be removed.
3) It needs to be removed quickly and that is the only treatment.
4) Worse case senario, it will be a Whipple Procedure. It's a complicated procedure that would involve removal of part of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, and a large section of the intestines call the duodeumn.
5) Brian needs more testing to check the blood flow to the tumor.
1) We have to get the insurance company to approve everything.
2) Once that happens, the doctor wants him in the city Tuesday of next week to have the scan and do the pre op.
3) The doctor would like to schedule the surgery for the 15th. Five to seven days in the hospital.

So, yet again we are waiting on the #@$#^%^%*%#@2@# insurance company.
But Brian and I had a good time in city. We had a nice hotel room with a view of the Chrysler Building. We went to Little Italy and had pizza at Lombardi's. After the doctor's today, we walked over to St. Patricks and lit some candles. Then, of course, we went to American Girl and bought our daughter a treat.
So, I'll keep you all updated on the next installment in:
(insert bad theme music)
(dun dun dun...)


hangel said...

I like yelling at insurance companies...part of my job. Be glad to help! Seriously, let us know if there is anything we can do!

Blade said...

Glad things are moving forward finally even if the news is not what you were hoping. Thinking about you guys.

Jenae C. said...

Keep us posted, you are in our thoughts daily....we love you.