Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Step 1 Operation

Please forgive me right now. I'm a little buzzed yet from dinner and it's now after nine at night and I was up at 4 to get ready to go to the hospital
The surgery went well. The doctor was able to remove the tumor and only the gall bladder too. That's great. It was 4.5 hours and Brian is in a lot of pain.
His Parents and both his sisters were here with me and lets just say it was fine. A few tense moments, were I thought about kicking them all out, but all in all... it was okay.
Brian's uncle Patrick and his wife Pat were in town for Patrick's own appointements at Sloan. Tehy met up with us after we saw Brian and they had brought their grandson Brian along and their oldest son Kevin from Cali! What a surprize.
We all went out to dinner and I'm just coming in. I'm tired and I'm buzzed on Cosmos. I'm going to sleep. I'll write more later.
Thanks for all the prayers.


Jenae C. said...

glad to hear everything went well. I have been thinking about you both today!

flyingace said...

good news that everything went okay. Thinking about you both. Take care of yourself too.