Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post Op Day 1

Brian is doing fairly well. I went to see him this morning as soon as visiting hours started. He's in a lot of pain, but considering his incision runs from the center of his chest to his navel. He can't stand up too straight yet and he needs to breathe deeper than he is.
It was a busy day with the whole family there to see him all day. He has a PCA pump that allows him to push a button and get pain meds, when he wants them every so many minutes. He's sweating a lot and he still has the cath for urine. He's on O2 to help his breathing and he's jsut tired.
I'm tired too. I've done a lot of walking. The hospital is at East 68th street and York Ave. The furthest east you can get without being in the water. My apartment is at west 43rd street and 11th ave. That's as far west as you can get without being in NJ. So essentally the entire width of Mannhattan and 25 blocks. It's a long trip. Cab takes about 1.5 hour, sub way, 1 hour and bus one hour.
I'm trying to only be the wife and not the nurse while I'm in the hospital. It's not easy, but I'm trying.
Sloan Kettering is great as is the apartment I am staying in. When I get home, I'll blog all about them.
More tomorrow.

1 comment:

flyingace said...

Hey Jen

No much on flights out to Greece. What she needs is called an evacuation ambulatory flight. There are no charity orgs. that will do that to another country. The only other suggestion I have is check with the insurance company, as some do cover such things. Also, my mom suggested to get in touch with the Greek Embassy to see if they can help.

Sorry I don't have more to offer. Just to specialized and expensive of a thing.