Saturday, September 20, 2008

Post Op Day (What Day Is It?)

Brian is hanging in there. It's been hard. His heart rate is high as is his blood pressure. The doctor isn't concerned. The concern is that his stomach is full of fluid, again, part of the process, but, it's so full that it is making the deep breathing that he needs to do to prevent pnuemonia harder and harder. He's tired, weak and they may have to give him blood at some point in the near furture.
Okay, enough of the bad.
His catheter is out and he is peeing well. His bowels are moving and trust me that tumor was not what crawled up his ass and died, as it still stinks like it always did.
The funniest thing happened today. When I got over to see him today, he was on the toilet complaining about the catheter hurting. I looked in the toilet, I know gross but it's the nurse in me, and I noticed that he was peeing around the catheter. So, the nurse and I got him back into the chair and went to remove the catheter. You all know what happens when you take a baby boy's diaper off? Well, the minute the catheter was out of his, well, out, he began to pee. And pee. and pee. He let go as if he had been drinking beer for hours and not used the toilet. It was azaming. As well as the happy look on his face.
I'm tied. It's a lot to cross town each day. NYC takes a lot out of you. Our friends drove in from Long Island today to visit. That was nice.
Denise, my girl friend took me to get my eye brows threaded. That was different. If you don't know what it is, look it up.
But, really, if it wasn't for the television, I would have no idea what day it is. I seem to loose all track of time and date sitting in the hospital. I can't imgaine what it's like for the people who are there for months. But over all, it's been a good experince in the hospital. World Class doesn't even begin to discribe it.
More later.

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