Thursday, September 18, 2008


It's almost five in the morning. I couldn't sleep long today, so I got up, slightly hung over, but feeling rested.
Yesterday was a long day, having to be up early and going at nothing all day long. Sitting on the edge of the chair. Brian's father kept trying to push food on us, like, well it's noon. We should eat now. It's time for lunch. What do you mean you don't want to eat?
Give me a break. I really only eat when my stomach is growling and that doesn't happen for very long. But, I'm holding up okay.
Brian is in a lot of pain. I talked to him after I got home last night and he had called Emily too. I'm sure that he felt better hearing her little voice. I can tell that he's not feeling well, but he's going to be fine. I'm hoping that I can get him up in a chair today. Better than the bed. Less chance of pnemonia.
Brian's godparents were in town yesterday and they took us to an Irish Resturant. It was very good. But at that point, just to relieve the stress, I was drinking Grey Goose Cosmos. But I got to see Brian's cousin Kevin, who lives in San Fran and I adore. He's a great guy and some time, I'll have to tell you all the story about Kevin, his partner Karl, the book and myself.
So, I think it's nearly a decent time to get into a hot shower, pack up for the day and begin to thread my way across Manhattan. My Dad and Brian's brother in law are coming down today and most of the Clarke clan will be leaving tonight. My mother in law is worried about me being alone and might stay with me. At least another night maybe two. We'll see.
Thanks to all of you who prayed, gave positive thoughts and the like. It was very comforting to know who was all out there for me.
I plan to come online after I get home each night, 9ish NY time. Check back each night for an update.
Hugs and Kiss

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