Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dizzy Girl

We were at my parents, playing with the new camper tonight. Emily wanted to play on her tire swing for a while. Her favorite thing is to spin around and around, but tonight she put a different "twist" on it. She pulled one of her legs up into the well of the tire and had the other on the ground. She put her head down on the tire so that her forehead was resting on the sidewall. She spun herself around and around and around and around (even writing about it I'm getting dizzy). So, you get the idea. We told her it was time to go and to come and give Nana and Epa a kiss goodbye. She got off she swing and we all thought she was going to stagger. Nope! She walked in a straight line and right up the stairs and onto the porch with out a single problem! She could more than likely pass a field sobriety test without batting an eye.

1 comment:

hangel said...

I don't think I could pass a sobriety test. Even sober!

Caden has a tendency to spin around for fun, but he usually falls over when he is done. Not so balanced!