Monday, January 7, 2008

The child who never sleeps

Ask anyone who knows Emily, and they will tell you she hasn't slept since she was conceived. She sleeps in little chunks,any where from four hours to ten hours a night and regretfully not all at once. We have tried everything from good old Benadryl to Melatonin. It workd for a while, but needless to say, it doesn't work for any length of time.
Which means I haven't slept a good night since.... well.... since college I guess. Even when I can convince a set of grandparents to take Em over night, I sleep poorly, too trained from listening for her to wake up every night and asking me to ..... do something for her.
My parents and Brian's parents bought Emily a new bed for Christmas and her birthday. It's a beautiful sleigh shaped solid oak wooden day bed. With the trudle for when I get brave enough to let her have sleep over. (Right now it's being used by her American Girl Doll and my other daughter Molly!)
Well, Emily also has a fasination with pens. Some how, she ended up with a pen in her room.... a BIG NONO in our house. She woke up one night and I didn't know it. The next morning Daddy got her ready for school, dropped her off as usual and called me at work.
Emily took her pen and wrote her name on her new bed. When questioned why, she told her father is was so that no one would forget that it was her bed. And that no one else could use it.
Now..... if she only would use it.....

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