Saturday, January 26, 2008

Emily's Choice in clothing and Daddy

Emily and Brian stayed home yesterday. I was at work. I talked to Brian a few times during the day. The last time was to see if he wanted to come to work and get my paycheck and take it to the bank. He and Emily show up. I was dying to see what outfit Brian and Emily had come up with for her to wear.
I have to say this. Brian can dress himself, usually pretty well. But when it comes to dressing his little girl, that's another story. The day he took her to the doctor, he called me and asked me what tights when with the dress she wanted to wear.
So yesterday, they come into the facility and I could tell right away that she had suckered him into wearing somthing inappropiate. She was wearing her black and gold Christmas dress.
I keep looking for the SUCKER tattoo that Emily had inscribed on her father, but I can't find it. He calls her his princess and lets her dress that way too. I guess I need to pick my battles with that.
And lets not talk about what he does with her hair.

1 comment:

hangel said...

Hopefully the shorter hair will be easier for Brian to handle? And of course Emily got to wear her princess dress--like you said, she is the princess and daddy is wrapped around her finger!