Sunday, January 6, 2008

Early Morning Toilet Woes

Yesterday, my husband Brian came to me and stated that the weirdest thing had happened to him while he was in the bath room.
He was getting ready after a shower and some how managed to knock the electric razor off of the shelf that is over the toilet at the exact same moment that he had flushed the toilet. The razor disappeared.
Me, being the skeptic that I am when it comes to things Brian and Emily tell me, went up and looked around the potty to make sure the razor hadn't fallen behind the porcelin god or in the trash. It wasn't found.
Emily got sick last night and when I went to flush away the mess, it didn't go away quite right. So, this morning.... when she got sick again, I insisted that Brian drag his butt out of bed and fix the problem he managed to cause.
Emily and I were snuggled in my bed watching her movies and listening to Brian curse and sputter in the bathroom. He asks me to help him and I went into the bathroom to find that he had moved beyond the plunger to taking the toilet up off of the floor.
There was water every where!
He was trying reach his hand up the bottom of the toilet and pull out the razor that he is convinced is lodged in the joints.
So.... what happened?
Well, currently at 9:30 on Sunday Morning, Brian is at Lowes buying a new toilet and Emily and I will have to hold it for a while.
Why Me?
Can I use your bathroom?

1 comment:

hangel said...

I love stories that make my life seem less abnormal! Something that would happen in our house for sure!