Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm itchy

Emily has had a rash since she was in the hospital Christmas night. We thought it was a reaction from the EEG she had.
But it hasn't gone away.
The school nurse, an RN looked at her scalp and agreed with me that it was some sort or skin rash.
I took her to the doctor, and she was examined there by the doctor and a nurse.
Just a rash. Benadryl and keep our eyes on it.
Well, it was getting worse. Em kept scratching her head. So, yesterday, I bought Benadryl spray and was going through her hair and spraying the areas that itched her the most.
That's when I saw it.
A little bug.
Then another.
And another.
Emily had head lice.
Who knows where it came from.
Doesn't matter.
She's had her hair washed with chemicals a lot in the last 24 hours, as have I and Brian too.
Everything her head touched in the last three weeks has been subjected to hot, hot water and hot hot dryer time.
You don't realize how much stuff you put your head on until you have to wash it all at once.
Well, this morning, we are bug free. A few dead ones come out every time I comb her hair again. But nothing alive.
And my skin just keeps itching and itching.
I slept poorly, kept waking up to think that something was crawling on me.
And I had to tell my sister in law, the baby sitter and school about it too. That added more phone calls.
So, I don't think that there is anyone in Kingston that doesn't know about it.
But, I'm still itchy.

1 comment:

hangel said...

Its making me itchy here. :-) I am sure Emily is all better now--but it may takes days for the phantom itch to go away! Hope all is well otherwise!